Sule Greg Wilson’s Drummer’s Path Roots & Branches pages present research papers, articles and reviews, as well as photographs of Jazz, R&B;, Political and Dance personalities.
Root and Branches!
- Black Dance History
- Family History
- Research, History and Archives work
- Banjo
- Hand Drumming
- Writing – How to’s; link
- Kwanzaa
- Quilting
- Photography
PBS presents “Secret Daughter,” a selection of readings on racial self-identity, racial classification, black and white relations and the Gregorys, a family which represents six generations of achievement in the African American community.
hink racism is no longer an issue in this country? James Hart, author of “Favored Races”, is the Republican congressional candidate in the 8th congressional district of TN. Take a look at Hart’s disgusting site and quickly disabuse yourself of this notion.
CLICK HERE for an excerpt from the March 2004 Banjo Newsletter –
Includes Sule Greg Wlson’s never before published 1995 telephone interview with Taj Mahal.